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Tree Hugger

From planting to felling

About us

The Tree Hugger Arborist Services team is made up of passionate arborists who have been at the service of your trees since 2009. We accompany the life of your trees during all their stages of development, from planting to felling.

We carry out reasoned pruning to preserve your tree heritage while respecting human constraints. We secure areas of mechanical weakness by setting up crown anchors. We reduce or eradicate the presence of parasites such as the chestnut leafminer, the oak processionary, bacterial cankers, etc. or harmful fungi such as powdery mildew.

Felling is sometimes the ultimate solution and we can carry it out safely, whatever the constraints. Your tree may have been planted in the wrong place and it may not be possible to carry out sensible pruning while respecting human (urban) constraints. Or perhaps your tree is dying or dead due to drought, fungal attack such as plane canker, elm blight, maple soot, ash blight, armillaria, etc. or insect attack such as bark beetles or capricorns.

Our Services

As an expert on small and very large trees, I travel all over Belgium.

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